Jetlag Books Beijing Dongsi Store 时差书店东四山海四合店
Jetlag Books III is a bookstore located on Dongsi North Avenue in Beijing’s Dongcheng District, with a store area of 70 square meters. The store is situated at the podium level of a residential building. Both the owner and the designer wish to weave the bookstore as part of the daily life of nearby residents.
Started with placing series of stools at the store front, where visitors can sit and read, enjoying their coffee while witnessing the daily activities of its surrounding public.
In order to create a connection between the inside and the outside, series of columns are placed to echo its existing columns in the interior. Each column is decorated with large Jetlag’s logo that gives a sense of playfulness to its façade design. The top part of the façade featured a highly reflective stainless steel to reflect its surrounding, once again blurring the boundary between the inside and the outside.
为了在立面玻璃的内外两侧建立起连接,我们在原来的建筑立面上加入了与室内结构柱呼应的立柱。室外的柱子上放了Jetlag俏皮的巨大logo,跟室内裸露的混凝土柱对话。一片宽阔的镜面不锈钢覆盖在了立面玻璃的上方, 人行道上的树倒映在镜面中,模糊了城市与建筑的边界。

The design started from understanding the size and proportion of each area as well as its circulation path based on the design brief given by the client. Once entered, visitors will first be greeted by a coffee area and encounter the book display as they move deeper into the store. This is because the coffee area is often considered as a place to socialize which are known to be more lively, in contrast with the tranquility of the bookstore at a deeper part of the store. Thus a “front shop, back “field”” typology was implemented.
拿到任务书后, 我们对不同功能区域的大小比例和动线做了梳理。进到店里, 人们首先来到的是售卖咖啡的区域,再往里走才是书店。咖啡更热闹而书店更安静,采取这种前店后“场”的形式也很合理。
The term jetlag meaning the disorder of time and space. The design of this bookstore resonates with this term that being weightlessness. Bookshelves are created by using transparent acrylic and steel structure frames to reduce its heaviness in this small and confined space. Because of its transparency, the visual apparent of the books becoming a tangible material which can be easily replaced and altered.
Pressed wood panels are often known for its budget friendly and environmentally friendly properties which is used in this project. It’s warm and softness juxtaposed with the unpainted concrete wall. This contrast can also be found in other materials such as transparency of the acrylic and hardness from the stainless steel. In result, provides a sense of sophistication which is aligned with the client’s vision.
Jetlag在英语中的意思是“时差综合症”, 书店主题与时间空间的混乱失序有关。 我们在设计一系列的时差书店时,尝试用各种各样的手法将倒时差那种飘飘忽忽的失重感表达出来。在山海四合东四店,我们将轻盈的透明亚克力板作为墙面书架的材料,以粗糙的混凝土墙为背景,书籍放置在亚克力板上时仿佛漂浮在空气中。
The coffee area and book display area are separated by these three stainless steel shelving which two of them can be rotated and formed a partition to separate the space for independent events and functions. The partitions within these bookshelves are designed in three different sizes and forms. The main partitions are made out of bended 2mm thick steel panels. Fixed by two metal fixtures at the side panels which is customizable based on the client’s needs. This ultimately resulting a more flexible space and allow transformation in each season.
Besides its main function of being a bookstore, Jetlag Books also offer salons and small exhibitions occasionally. In order to ensure maximum flexibility, the designer is also involved in the design of its furniture. A large table is designed as few separated pieces which can be connected via interlocking details. This interlocking mechanism allow customization to occur easily. Jetlag Books III links art, design books and artists with community.

Project details
PROJECT LOCATION 项目地点:Dongsi Beidajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 中国北京市东城区东四北大街
WORKING RANGE 工作范畴:Interior / Façade Design 室内 / 立面改造
TYPOLOGY 项目类型:Bookstore / Café 书店 / 咖啡店
BUILDING AREA 建筑面积 (m²):70 m²
PROJECT STATUS 项目状态:Built 建成
DESIGN STARTING 设计开始:2021/11
DESIGN TEAM 设计团队:Philipp Buschmeyer, 陈海霞, 陈石见, 贵溥健, 孙淼
LIGHTING CONSULTANT 灯光顾问:Bamboo Lighting Solutions 六竹照明
CONSTRUCTION 施工方:Beijing Million Partner Construction Co.,Ltd. 北京亿达和信装饰工程有限公司
PHOTOGRAPHY 摄影师:Seemore Studio 四目工作室